Neiman Marcus Christmas Book 2012: HERITAGE HEN MINI FARM

Neiman Marcus Christmas Book 2012: HERITAGE HEN MINI FARM

This Versailles-inspired Le Petite Trianon house is the poshest hen house ever imagined! The custom-made multilevel dwelling features a nesting area, a “living room” for nighttime roosting, a broody room, a library filled with chicken and gardening books for visitors of the human kind, and, of course, an elegant chandelier.

The environment suits your specially chosen flock well as you notice the fresh eggs awaiting morning collection and nearby, you pick fresh vegetables or herbs from your custom-built raised gardens.

For every Heritage Hen Mini Farm purchase, NM will donate $3,000 to The American Livestock Breeds Conservancy, a nonprofit organization that protects genetic diversity through the conservation and promotion of endangered breeds.

($100,000; pages 64-65 of the Neiman Marcus Christmas Book)